Welcome to Patricia's Children inc.
Creating a safe Future for Children, Parents & Families
Reform in our Family Courts & Child Protective Serivices is needed to prevent children being taken from good parents, only to be given to the authority of the Family Courts or cps, where 78% are abused & often raped. Actions & rules that were once intended to protect children, are now being used by the family courts, cps employees, court officials & estranged family members— to victimize & target vulnerable parents, for monetary incentives manipulating the system for financial gain.
Patricia Mitchell was recently invited by Michigan's House of Representatives to speak to several Congressional Committees including the 'Family, Children & Seniors Committee' & the 'Private Governor's Tasks Force on Child Abuse & Neglect,' regarding the corruption occurring in the Family Courts & Child Protective Services.
This internal deterioration within the Family Courts & Probate Courts {including Guardianships & Conservatories) as well as Child Protective Services "CPS" is due to financial incentives that are directly connected to taking children from their parents and families. These State Agencies that once provided children an alternative to their misfortunes, like neglective & abusive households, now are the cause of hundreds of thousands of children being abused each year. At the same time, their parents hands are tied without due process and without a legal recourse to take, by reason of the legal restrictions that are one sided within the CPS/Family Courts. These parents are forced to watch helplessly (from a distance) the declination of their child's physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
Many of these children do not make it out of the Family/CPS Courts, thousands die within these systems every year. While other victims caught up within the corruption are scarred for life. Judges automatically place GAG ORDERS on every Family/CPS court case. These GAG ORDERS do not protect the minor children involved, but rather protect the CPS Agents/Family Court Officials, Court Appointed Attorneys, Guardian ad Litems, Judges, contract employees, etc. from exposing the corruption that they're in engaged in, within the Family/CPS courts. Thus, this exploitation has been allowed to expand and accelerate at the expense of hundreds of thousands of children's lives.