Continue Brief bIO patricia mitchell
As a Child Advocate Patricia was invited by Senator Stabenow to speak to several committees within the House of Representatives on the corruption in Family/CPS Courts. Also, as a child advocate—she wrote a 36-page Investigative Report entitled ‘The Child Protective Services Comprehension Report,’ she was a consultant for a National Geographic film project (Exposing Family Court & CPS Atrocities). And for three months, Patricia had the honor of consulting an Internal Federal Investigation for the Boulder/Denver Colorado, Child Protective Services. She has attended & held workshops at National Conferences since 2015, and has been interviewed on National Talk Radio programs. She is a Buddhist Practitioner at Zen Mountain Monastery & as mentioned writes spiritual based articles for Thrive Global. And for several years worked for Menla Mountain Retreat Center—a high end spiritual based center. She offers spiritual workshops, assisting participates in removing emotional blocks, thereby freeing the participate towards spiritual growth.