NEWLY REVISED: Patricia's Story.
Patricia & Jasiah Rose
Jasiah Rose —my Baby, The love of my life!
Patricia’s Children Inc. was Founded in 2017 by Patricia Mitchell, after she became an unlikely victim of the Family Courts. Patricia received admirable achievements in both High School & College receiving a State Champion in Children’s Story Telling, Cheerleader, Vice president, Homecoming court— in College starred in Musicals, Directed & Choregraphed Rock Operas— receiving standing ovations, a member of the Young Americans—a singing & dancing group. Graduating with a 3.8, receiving a BA in Communications, attending prestigious schools—Kings College in UK and Colorado College Liberal Arts School. Lived and worked in NYC as an actress, later as a Fashion Model in both NYC & Europe for over a decade. For a decade she went to black ties, charity events in NYC & the Hamptons, where you could find Patricia’s name & face in hundreds of society magazines.
Living in her NYC loft in Soho, during a rare stretch in Patricia’s life, she was physically ill with walking pneumonia for months, unable to work, and just broke up with a wealthy powerful man, Patricia was mentally & physically drained. So, she reached out to an estranged sister. Her older sister Kathy (who she had little to no contact w/ for over a decade), who arrived in NYC drinking whisky out of a bottle & with an eight ball of cocaine. Naturally, her sister Kathy, made a twisted & deluded interpretation of Patricia’s life in NYC. Discerning Patricia must’ve been doing something illegal, to have an “upscale loft in Soho & designer clothes.” Kathy also viewed Patricia’s spiritual devotion through superstitious & uneducated eyes. Although Kathy knew Patricia was a fashion model, apparently, she did not believe her. Kathy related her twisted misinterpreted views of Patricia’s life to her estranged family members. Patricia & Kathy parted ways. Patricia went on a hiatus out west to rest and heal, placing her belongings in storage. It was there she met “Sonny” Paul Bonsell, they had a brief hippy romance. Got pregnant, welcomed the pregnancy. After Bonsell spent most of Patricia’s savings, Patricia discovered Bonsell was a fraud, lied about his Stamford education, his engineer job and his houses in Oregon & Belize, etc. Instead, he had a long criminal record in three states —including violence. He was a con man, tenth grade dropout, an alcoholic and smoked pot daily. While Bonsell was in jail, after he brutally assaulting Patricia when she was 7 months pregnant, Patricia regretfully made a call to her estranged parents. Patricia initiated what little communication she had with her estranged family members over the past ten years. Unfortunately growing up as well as an adult— Patricia’s parents were extremely violent and abusive towards her, so Patricia had little to no contact with them. However, Patricia’s friend convinced Patricia, abusive parents— become kind and loving after the adult child has a baby. And Patricia was just about to have a baby. So, in the most vulnerable position one could be in, Patricia subsequently went to visit these people in a rural town, where she had never lived —seeking support.
Patricia’s mother “Virg” was abnormally violent, cruel, devious and lied profusely about everything. She notably disliked, Patricia’s Aunt Bonnie, her husband Jim Mitchell Sr. and Patricia Mitchell— her daughter. To understand the scope of this situation, one must know a little about Virgline Mitchell, “Virg.” Virg set up her victims to afflict pain and suffering. Example: As a teenager, Patricia told her mother she wanted to be virgin when she got married, Virg said "Oh no you aren't, I was virgin & I regret it—none of my girls are going to be a virgin when they get married." The next week, Virg took Patricia to a Gynecologist where Patricia lost her virginity on the gynecologist table. Virg refused to acknowledge Patricia’s Birthday during the duration of Patricia’s childhood. And gaslighting Patricia every Christmas as a child, wrapping up gifts and placing Patricia’s name on it, only to find it was her mother’s pimple medicine or a grown woman’s negligee, or a can of peanuts. Virg would say, “if you don’t like it, I will take it” grabbing the gaslit gift from Patti’s little arms. From 9 - 12 years old Patricia had prolonged hair growing on her body— due to her skeletal body being grossly under-weight. A gym teacher did an intervention, asking Patricia, if she was “being abused at home and doesn’t your mother let you eat.” Years later, Virg refused to give Patricia her inheritance from her grandparents. Sold Patricia new couture $10,000 coat, for $200 to go gambling. And gave her beloved dog away behind Patricia's back. Virg called Patricia’s boyfriend, friends, workplaces and landlords in NYC—warning them about Patricia. This is but few examples. Patricia feared for her life her entire childhood, Patricia said: "just hearing my mother footsteps sent debilitating anxiety into my veins." Although Patricia spent a lot of energy hiding the abuse from others & pretending everything was fine. The truth is, there was never a time when Virg did not have hostility towards Patricia.
So regretfully Patricia made a visit to her estranged family members—during the most vulnerable time in her life seeking support. She arrived with her beloved dog and her two puppies. However, within twelve hours, Virg had taken an iron fire poker & tried to stab the two puppies with it. But instead took her frustration out on Patricia, beating Patricia with the iron rod when she was 8 months, barely missing Patricia's baby in her womb. When Patricia screamed "you almost hit my baby" Virg said, "SOooooooo." Normally Patricia would’ve flown out of there the next day, but because Patricia was 8 months pregnant— was told that Airlines didn’t allow pregnant women to board flights and she had no money left. She submitted to the abusive household—but planned to fly back to NYC, soon after her baby was born. Patricia’s estranged young sister Carolyn Spencer lived in the same rural town and had just been hired as a Family First agent—a branch of Child Protective Services—"CPS" (which gave her authority over every parent & child). After Patricia’s parents beat her with the iron pokers, Patricia took her dog & two puppies and ran to the neighbors pleading for help. Carolyn came to the neighbors’ house. And because Carolyn was a Family First agent, she threatened Patricia with taking her unborn baby from her the moment she is born—if you Press Charges against their parents. Terrified & trapped Patricia tried to appease her sister Carolyn Spencer & Virg. For the next 2 & ½ years Patricia and her baby lived in hell on earth, due the severe abuse afflicted by Virgline Mitchell and Carolyn & Alvin Spencer. Bonsell got out of jail in Fla and tracked Patricia down to this rural community, with the aim of taking advantage of the conflict between Patricia and her family members, with the objective to gain custody of their child. Within two months after Patricia's baby was born, Carolyn Spencer & Virg, filed a CPS petition which prevented Patricia from moving out of that County with her new born baby. So Patricia moved her baby & herself into an apartment in town and got a simple job where she could walk too. Eventually, two CPS petitions against Patricia were filed in the span of 9 months. Both were dismissed due to the fraudulent claims. 1st petition, Carolyn & Virg filed based on a DUI Patricia received. Patricia had no record, not even traffic ticket prior to arriving in this town—and was not a drinker. But Carolyn insisted that it be filed against Patricia. Once the courts realized Carolyn & Virg’s claims were fraudulent, it was dismissed. It should be noted—Bonsell’s driver’s license had been revoked for over a year, due to multiple DUI’s. But Carolyn & Virg did not have problem with Bonsell being a parent to Patricia’s baby, they were not concerned about his criminal record, violent assaults, alcoholism, drug use and numerous fraudulent claims. Because their motive was not to protect Patricia’s baby—but to separate Patricia from her beloved baby, to afflict pain & suffering. They were motivated by a deep seeded insidious secretive hatred towards Patricia. So they used her baby as an object—as a weapon against Patricia.
So regretfully Patricia made a visit to her estranged family members—during the most vulnerable time in her life seeking support. She arrived with her beloved dog and her two puppies. However, within twelve hours, Virg had taken an iron fire poker & tried to stab the two puppies with it. But instead took her frustration out on Patricia, beating Patricia with the iron rod when she was 8 months, barely missing Patricia's baby in her womb. When Patricia screamed "you almost hit my baby" Virg said, "SOooooooo." Normally Patricia would’ve flown out of there the next day, but because Patricia was 8 months pregnant— was told that Airlines didn’t allow pregnant women to board flights and she had no money left. She submitted to the abusive household—but planned to fly back to NYC, soon after her baby was born. Patricia’s estranged young sister Carolyn Spencer lived in the same rural town and had just been hired as a Family First agent—a branch of Child Protective Services—"CPS" (which gave her authority over every parent & child). After Patricia’s parents beat her with the iron pokers, Patricia took her dog & two puppies and ran to the neighbors pleading for help. Carolyn came to the neighbors’ house. And because Carolyn was a Family First agent, she threatened Patricia with taking her unborn baby from her the moment she is born—if you Press Charges against their parents. Terrified & trapped Patricia tried to appease her sister Carolyn Spencer & Virg. For the next 2 & ½ years Patricia and her baby lived in hell on earth, due the severe abuse afflicted by Virgline Mitchell and Carolyn & Alvin Spencer. Bonsell got out of jail in Fla and tracked Patricia down to this rural community, with the aim of taking advantage of the conflict between Patricia and her family members, with the objective to gain custody of their child. Within two months after Patricia's baby was born, Carolyn Spencer & Virg, filed a CPS petition which prevented Patricia from moving out of that County with her new born baby. So Patricia moved her baby & herself into an apartment in town and got a simple job where she could walk too. Eventually, two CPS petitions against Patricia were filed in the span of 9 months. Both were dismissed due to the fraudulent claims. 1st petition, Carolyn & Virg filed based on a DUI Patricia received. Patricia had no record, not even traffic ticket prior to arriving in this town—and was not a drinker. But Carolyn insisted that it be filed against Patricia. Once the courts realized Carolyn & Virg’s claims were fraudulent, it was dismissed. It should be noted—Bonsell’s driver’s license had been revoked for over a year, due to multiple DUI’s. But Carolyn & Virg did not have problem with Bonsell being a parent to Patricia’s baby, they were not concerned about his criminal record, violent assaults, alcoholism, drug use and numerous fraudulent claims. Because their motive was not to protect Patricia’s baby—but to separate Patricia from her beloved baby, to afflict pain & suffering. They were motivated by a deep seeded insidious secretive hatred towards Patricia. So they used her baby as an object—as a weapon against Patricia.
2nd petition was made by Bonsell, after Bonsell saw Patricia in town without her baby. Bonsell called CPS said, "Patricia left her baby alone," but Patricia had hired a 19-year-old baby sister, so the petition was dismissed. There was 3rd incident. Months later, Bonsell had repeatedly called Patricia from a bar, drunk & after midnight, Patricia left her phone off the hook, as Patricia & her baby were trying to sleep. Bonsell angered and called the CPS agent, told her "Patricia was going to throw her baby in a river.” The CPS agent called Carolyn Spencer her colleague and Patricia’s sister—so at 1:30am while Patricia and her baby were peacefully sleeping in their beds. Carolyn & Jimmy Jr. (Patricia’s brother) came pounding on Patricia’s door violently shouting in front of the door like two manic lunatics, Patricia was confused and frightened and refused to let them in. The neighbors called the police on Carolyn & Jimmy, the police came, she let the Officer in, they saw that Jasiah (the baby) was peacefully sleeping and told Carolyn & Jimmy to leave & go home. Carolyn postured the police, saying she was a Family First agent and can take any child from any parent in that county— if she sees fit to do so. The police did not agree with Carolyn, but because Carolyn was adamant, the Officer said, "why don’t you let your baby spend the night at your brother's house, until everyone calms down in the morning." Desperate to appease Carolyn, reluctantly Patricia said, "ok for one night." But the next morning Bonsell’s attorney filed an Emergency Exparte Motion to gain full custody of Patricia’s baby. Along with Carolyn Spencer & Virg's support, the CPS agent & Family Court agent went down to the courthouse and had a Judge sign the motion in the hallway of the courthouse, giving Bonsell full custody of my child. It should be noted that— Bonsell was freinds with the CPS agent, she had spent the night at this house the weekend before. Patricia's colleague had witnessed this & saw them smoking pot together.
Two weeks later, Bonsell moved out of the guest house he was renting & moved back into that school bus with Jasiah, Patricia’s baby. Bonsell’s broken down school bus, resided on the property of twice convicted sex offender Don Nelson the offense was towards children, he lived ten yards away from the bus in a trailer. The gutted bus had no electricity, no heat & no running water. CPS went out to the bus more than five times, all five times they approved Jasiah living with the two drunken, drug addict convicts, & approved of these life-threatening conditions. A few months later Bonsell was thrown in jail for for theft, he stayed in jail for approx four months. Patricia’s baby returned to her, but the Courts, would not let Patricia file for Reverse Custody— until Bonsell was out of jail. This block Patricia was up against, came directly from Carolyn Spencer's influence & authority, she was pulling the strings behind closed doors. It was a small town, and small town justice is corrupt.
The local newspaper put a photo of Bonsell's bus on the cover of its newspaper, reporting that— CPS took a baby from its mother & safe clean apartment and placed her in this bus and in these life-threatening conditions. (CPS agents were simply following Carolyn Spencer’s orders, as they believed that Carolyn knew something about Patricia they did not, since she was Patricia's sister) The local prosecutor took notice, recognizing that Carolyn Spencer & Virgline Mitchell were not acting in the best interest of this child. So the assistant prosecutor, filed a Motion for a Hearing in behalf of the mother Patricia Mitchell as the FIT parent to receive full custody. There was a five day trial and Patricia won back custody of her child. Carolyn Spencer was so enraged, on the last day of the Trial during lunch— she hired an attorney to 'Intervene' to place Jasiah permanent into State Custody. Because the Judge has to considered this new motion, the change of custody order was put on hold. Patricia immediately filed a Motion in “proceeding pro se” that requested, placing Jasiah into "Neutral Territory" until proceedings resumed. Thankfully the Judge agreed with Patricia, so Patricia was able to get her baby out of that bus— away from the drunken dangerious convicts and placed in temporary custody with the grandparents. Patricia said; "I believed the grandparents were the lessor of the two evils, I assumed it would be three weeks at the most, I had to get Jasiah out of that bus. As CPS had been out there multiple times— approving my baby living in those conditions."
But the grandparents left the State with Jasiah—for five months, violating the court ordered visitations. The Judge had granted Bonsell & Patricia visitation right during this delay. So the Grandparents were in Contempt of Court, Patricia filed a complaint with the courts—but nothing was done. Jasiah returned unrecognizable, during a period in which she should have been growing and thriving— she lost 5lbs, both sides of her upper head had caved in areas like you see children have in Africa. She was covered with inflamed untreated bugs bites—all over her face and from head to toe. Her eyes had dark circles and eyes were hollow, she was visible terrified and hid under a table. After the visit—I went into shock, my body & teeth began to shake by its own accord, I vomited & retched violently, the state of my child was from intentional abuse.
In Patricia's words. "I didn’t know what to do, the courts were not listiening to me and my very real concerns & complaints, and the courts were allowing laws to be broken & rules to be ignored. I decided to leave & get help back in NYC. At least that way they may stop abusing Jasiah for the sole purpose of parading her hazardous & unhealthy condition in front of me." But two-weeks later Carolyn’s attorney directed Lynn Buday to take Patricia & Bonsells parental rights away. Patricia’s petition was based on "Abandonment." Patricia did not know this was a possibility and no one from the courts told her when she called the courts from NYC. They began a trial without notifying Patricia, it wasn’t until after the first day of those proceedings that a court appointed attorney called Patricia to tell her they were in session all week to take both parents rights away. Patricia took the next flight back to that town. The trial was a joke, one of the persons testifying against Patricia said; “well I’ve never met Patricia in person, but I thought I saw her one-time exiting a bar and she looked mad.” These people were fishing & searching for reasons to take Patricia’s rights away from her. In Patricia's words: "Another testimony was from a Dr. Simmons, who I saw for about six minutes total two years prior—when he gave me a yes and no psych test." Dr. Simmons said, in court, “Patricia believes she lived in NYC” “She believes she was a fashion model & lived all over the world” “she believes she sees herself in magazines & on TV” “she thinks she has a college degree.” In Patricia's words: "It was absurd, as everyone in that court room knew I had done those things, except for the Jury. I stood up & interrupted the court room & spoke the truth & walked out, they had already made up their minds— they were taking my baby from me, and there was nothing I could do about it." Patricia never saw her beloved baby again.
Carolyn Spencer had now been a Family First agent for over 2, 1/2 years, and knew how worked the system to make a profit off from separating Jasiah from her beloved mother, Patricia Mitchell. Instead of adopting Jasiah like family members do when having a genuine concern about a neice or granddaughter. They allowed Jasiah to remain in State custudy, that means the State had full control over Jasiah's wellbeing. At any time the State could take Jasiah from Carolyn without notice and adopt her out to someone, permanantly. By allowing Jasiah to remain a warrant of the State, Carolyn Spencer registered as a Foster Care parent, receiving monthly checks from CPS for fostering Jasiah. Two months later Carolyn registered Jasiah as a "Special Needs" child. Foster children that have "Special Needs" go for twice— to three times as much per month then a healthy child. Carolyn was able to achieve this fraudulant claim, by claiming Jasiah's common birthmark called a Strawberry nevus—Hemangioma needed surgery. Patricia had inquired about Jasiah's birthmark with Dr. Bump—her birth doctor, & Jasiah's Pediatrician Dr. Cindy xxxx, both doctors advised not to operate on her birthmark— as it could cause a stoke, death or she could become a paraplegic. Nevetheless, Carolyn scheduled one unnecessary life threatening surgery after another, on Jasiah for three years, (5 surgeries total) reinforcing Carolyn's lucrative monthly pay checks for years to come. Furthermore, Carolyn intentionally neglected Jasiah, by withholding teaching her basic toddler & kindergarten lessons. Thus Carolyn could hold Jasiah back a grade to once again emphasize that Jasiah was a "Special Needs" child. When in fact Jasiah was reading at the age two— when Jasiah was with her mother, Patricia Mitchell.